Leisure Suit Larry
© Sierra
I was young when I was introduced to Leisure Suit Larry. Really young. Wayyy to young to understand much about it. The game is best described as 'raunchy', a term that seems quaint and naive since the advent of the internet. Leisure Suit Larry was geared towards adults and to get into the game you had to answer questions that only an adult would know. It actually kind of worked, my cousin and I would have to reload the game over and over until we hit a question that we knew the answer to. This was kind of laughable by todays standards as the low pixel rate made you feel like you were playing a stick figure. Leisure Suit Larry had sexual content, but I didn't get it. Sex at the time was something funny and weird to make jokes about, so when we played the game it was more a way to fuel our curiousity and immature jokes. In the end, I don't remember much about the game, just that we would laugh when the cops would shoot poor Larry when we would purposely forget to take his condom off when he wandered out to the street.