Our Lady Peace - 4am
© Columbia
First of all, I would like thank everyone who has been giving me well wishes after reading my last post. I knew that my posting it would get a few comments, but I was surprised at how much reach it ended up having with my friends and family. I appreciate the support, and can assure you that my family is handling her loss with grace. I don't say that to lessen the impact of my grandmothers death, but to show how grateful we were for her long and full life. Considering that I’ve been obviously thinking a lot about mortality lately, I’ve decided to choose a song that hearkens back to my more angst-ridden years.
In my late teens and early 20s, I began to think about life in a much broader sense than I ever had. I was going from my Social Work program into Psychology and Philosophy, which basically amounted to pretentious opinions tempered by second hand life experience. It was in this weird period of my life that I cemented the foundation of who I am today. It was also around this time that I found the song '4am' by Our Lady Peace. '4am' is relentlessly emo, but I really love how the song is unapologetically sincere. Hardly a new release by the time I heard it, the song spoke volumes to me in the late nights of hashing out life. I distinctly remember thinking about my own mortality when I heard this song, and the tone seemed to capture that feeling perfectly. 4am is one of those songs that is utterly tragic and devastating on one day, and oddly comforting and uplifting on another. The lyrics were dark and steeped in self pity like much of the 90s, but I always felt a hint of silver lining. To me, Our Lady Peace captured that turning point where you let go of hopelessness and start to crawl out of yourself, and it coincided perfectly with where I was back then.