Geoff Johns' Green Lantern
© DC Comics
I was pretty new to comics when I got burned on some not-so-great books about characters I loved. I told myself to just follow reviews at that point and started combing the internet for iconic runs. Green Lantern was never on my radar as an interesting character. The premise of "make anything with this ring" seemed silly. It didn't take many searches for me to realize that Geoff Johns' Blackest Night run was unmissiable, however, and I caved and decided to dive in with both feet. I started picking up the trades as cheap as I could and didn't start reading the series until I had a good 4-5 books. When I did, I fully understood the near-consensual praise for the run. I still don't love the character but Johns' wrote the book so well that I cared and was invested in him. Genius concepts, deep plotting and great pacing all ended with the great event book "Blackest Night". This was aided by amazing art by talents like Ivan Reis and Ethan Van Sciver that gave depth to the entire Green Lantern universe. John's run continued after the event, but I found that it made for the perfect climax for his overall arc.