Lora Zombie
Here in Ottawa, I try my best to trek from comfy suburbia to some of the best comic shops in town. I would always notice amazing art in eye-catching displays from Images On Bank, and eventually gave in. I stepped into the small framing/art store and fell in love with the prints immediately. I found out later that Images is a distributor for Eyes On Walls, where most of their most popular prints came from.
Over the years, It's become clear that the golden child and powerhouse artist for Eyes On Walls was the prolific Lora Zombie, who is prominently displayed on both the site and in stores. Lora Zombie has the technical skills to create beautiful realistic paintings, and mashes it up with vibrant splotches of watercolour. This creates a unique mix of childlike whimsy and punk-rock chaos. Add to this the random imagery and you get a surreal art style that sticks in your brain. As I write this post I had just received an art print of the image below, which I've considered buying for over a year. Also, Lora Zombie just kickstarted a fashion project Hero Time that I will be keeping an eye on.