Get Up on This
© Jensen Karp & Matthew Robinson
Get up on this has been one of my most consistently listened to podcasts. I have worked in very mundane and mind numbing jobs and this podcast has been a lifesaver. I've found out recently that when I work, take care of a house, take care of a kid, spend time with my wife, and try to write, I lose sight of what's new and interesting. This of course made me a very boring person until I started listening to Get Up On This to keep informed. The podcast presents a slew of new or interesting things ranging from music, movies, games, foods, or pretty much anything. Since listening to this podcasts I have found a lot of great albums and documentaries, many of which show up on this blog. It should also be mentioned that the hosts Jensen Karp and Matt Robinson hit a great range of interests and are genuinely great personalities. A good chunk of my enjoyment of the show is just following their lives and hearing their opinions.