Stompy Jones - Mondine
Back in University, I took up swing dancing when my friend wanted to get into it. It remains one of the few extra-curricular's that I've ever done including all sports teams and dances (except prom). We both got into it, but he ended up dropping out and I stayed for the next couple years learning a few moves here and there. My joy of swing was doubled by the great music and I gained a real appreciation for swing and blues music. This led me to the discovery of the San Francisco based retro band Stompy Jones.
I'm going to be honest, I don't know all that much about these guys. I did, however, fall deeply in love with this song 'Mondine'. The ragtime piano and brass hits make bopping around to the song irresistible. This reminds me that I should sift through some of their songs and remake my swing playlist...