Spider-man Animated Series (1994)
There have been many iterations of the Spider-man cartoon, but the classic 1994 cartoon was my first foray into the world of the web-head. When I was young, this cartoon introduced me to the wise-crackin' web-slinger. I used to watch this show every day, and couldn't for the life of me remember what happened in the show even a week later. That being said, the Slash guitar intro still sends me spinning into a pool of after school memories.
I revisited the show a few months back and found that it didn't really hold up as well as I hoped it would. The voice acting is incredibly overdone, which makes you feel like you're watching a soap opera adapted for an Off-Broadway play. The show also suffered from the same heavy censors that took the edge off of the old X-men cartoon from the 90s as well. Like a lot of the old cartoons, Spider-man lived in a world of lame fighting scenes and weird out-of-place laser guns.
Oddly enough, I still quite enjoyed living in the nostalgia of the cheesy cartoon. The most redeeming quality of the show still stands, and that is introducing me to the world of Spider-man and his villains. The show took some liberties from the comics, but overall did a decent job at capturing the essence of all the characters involved. This allowed me to seamlessly join the ranks of comic readers everywhere with the Amazing Spider-man almost two decades later.