VG Cats
© VG Cats
When webcomics started, Penny Arcade took top spot, and for good reason. Following this came a stream of webcomics about video games, most of which have faded away into obscurity. VG cats was one of my favourite webcomics during this time.
VG Cats is a webcomic by creator Scott Ramsoomair. The characters in the strips are so emotive that you could remove all of the speech bubbles and still enjoy it for the art alone. The webcomic mainly focuses on parodies of video games, but the comics and postings are steeped in internet meme culture.
Hearing that VG Cats was based in Canada, I remember a time that went through an arduous journey to get a T-shirt from a store that sold the merchandise. After hours of travelling, I found it was in a warehouse district on the outskirts of Montreal. In the end I got a couple of shirts that I still wear to this day.
VG Cats is stlll around, but unfortunately it suffered from the same major problem of most webcomics, irregular postings. Still, VG Cats is still a fun site to check in on and I make a point to read up on any new posts to Scott's pokemon-based webcomic 'Super Effective'.